The American Revolutionary War, also known as The American War of Independence occured between 1775 to 1783. This war began when the Americans in all thirteen colonies were tired of the English rules. They started shooting at Lexington and Concord in 1775. The colonies appointed George Washington to be the commander-in-chief to lead the Colonial Army. The British Royal Navy were able to captured all the Colonial coastal cities easily. The Colonial ar
my were lack of experience in that time, because most of there soldiers were malitia--an untrained soldier mostly farmer. With the aid from the French, the colonial army won the battle in Chesapeake. That victory led to the surrender of the British in Yorktown and the turnning point of the war. And in 1783, the British signed the Treaty of Paris, which is the symbol of the independence of the United States.

most of "there" soldiers??
with love